Converstations are at the foundation of each and every day, its who we are, what we are and how we communicate our wants and desires to those around us.
This dream is under construction, I apologise for any inconvenience caused. I am currently working on restructuring my Big Fat Dream.
Thank you for your patience regarding this matter, updates will be posted shortly.
Head fake is a sports term used when a player moves their head to fake a change in direction. This is an effective tool of misdirection which allows you to determine the way in which your opponent could move. When used correctly you are able to manipulate the way in which players react to various situations to best advance yourself on the field.
Another form of a head fake would then naturally be when it is used in the corporate world where we dealwith another form of 'opponent' which could range froma competing company, to suppliers and even clients in some industries. To be successful and to own the majority of the market we need to attempt to manipulate our opponents to follow a certain path while we take on a different path or counter act their movements to ensure they stay at the forefront of our industry.
War, at one stage the biggest "industry" ruling the world, has perfected the head fake, misguiding enemies into strategies to suit the objectives of the opponent. Manipulating was key to survival as you had to predict what your enemy was thinking and then to strategise around that to ensure your men made it to their rendexvous.
Head fakes can be very effective tools when strategising but it can also go horribly wrong and should be used with caution and only when one is sure of which way to point your opponent. So beware you don't head fake yourself right out of your idustry.
Lastly and most importantly for me, is learning that I'm not in control, I cannot fix everything for everyone and that even when I hurt, even when I'm confused or unsure, happy or sad that God is with me. He is in control, He knows what is best for me and He won't let harm come to me.
Love is one of the most precious gifts we could give one another, a gift that should not be thrown around lightly and a gift that should not be taken for granted. When we give love to one another it should be pure and unconditional, and when we receive it we should receive it with thanks and with the promise to cherish it and not tarnish it.
So many of us take love for granted, don't see its value or even recognise it when it stares us right in the face. A child may not realise the love their parents have for them, the sacrifices they make for us, but instead we resent them and push against the love they give us.
Sometimes love is right there for the taking, in someone who is giving us their love, a precious gift, freely but yet we turn away from it. That love is not accepted and therefore not returned and in turn causes great hurt to those who love us as well as ourselves for we never know what we have lost out on.
So a word of caution to the 'love-unwise', open yourself to the possibility of receiving this love from a parent, a friend or someone special. Its one of the greatest gifts you could or ever will receive. Someone who truly loves you will share your dreams, encourage you through those times you want to give up, try to cure your fears and be your greatest fan. With love on your side you will go places you've never been, feel things you've never felt and learn to love in return.
To those who give their love to the 'love-unwise' who do not appreciate or recognise it, don't give up, don't hide your love from the world. For you will ultimately find the right fit, your child will realise the value of parental love and that special one will return your love in full.
So don't be afraid to love, take a risk and you might just be pleasantly surprised. And if you should find yourself loving and it not being reciprocated don't despair and don't give up. When it hurts just push back and keep loving, the end result will be well-worth it.