In life we came across so many clichés, some inspirational, some kind but often also very cruel. We use them when our own words fail us and we need a quick comeback or when we need that perfect saying in the perfect moment.
Money cant buy you love is one of the most genuine clichés there is and speaks such true words. So many of us believe money, more money, is the solution to all our troubles, that money will make us truly happy. But we can’t be more wrong, money doesn’t bring us much, it only ensures we are able to provide food for our families, clothes on our backs and a roof over our heads. If we lucky enough to have a bit more money than we need for the necessary essentials we get to spend it on a few luxury items that bring us temporary happiness and relief.
But what brings us true happiness is love. Love of our parents and siblings who are always there for us, who care for us and stick by us even when we don’t deserve it. The love of our soul mate, that special someone we get to spend the majority of our lives with, create new memories with and who loves us back, even with all our faults. Then we have the love of friends who are true and loyal, who always have our backs and who are there to listen to all our worries and dreams. Love comes in different forms from different people in our lives.
Love is what truly makes us happy, a true happy that lasts forever, it gets us through the dark times and makes the good times even sweeter. Love can’t be bought with money and money can’t buy us happiness.
So find that love in your life and hold on to it because all the money in the world isn’t going to bring you true happiness.